The other one is of him saying "bye bye". I love the way he says it. Any time we go near the door, put on our shoes, or jackets he frantically starts saying it and waving in the hopes that he's going bye bye too.
Other things he's been figuring out include feeding himself (this is a fiasco but something he demands at every meal time), he can point out an elephant when I ask him, and he's starting to fold his arms when it's time for prayer. He can't always bring his arms together but when I do it for him he keeps them that way and is quiet until we say "amen". Except for longer prayers, like at church. =) He doesn't have that much of an attention span. Must be the whole boy thing.
I love when little ones do sign language. My nephew was having a hard time learning to talk so they taught him sign language so he could still communicate and he was so adorable. Weston is so cute when he says please! 2 more weeks till you find out if it's a boy or girl right?
He is so adorable and smart! I love that he's eating cheeseballs. And the empty container makes a nice diaper genie!
How cute is that! I love his Bye Bye and so did Chase, he was clapping away for him. That is amazing that he knows sign language, what a good mom you are! He is sure cute, when do you find out what you are having? I can't wait!
that is so cute! i can't wait to know what you're having!
Weston is such a cute little boy! I am so excited to hear what you're having!
Thanks for putting those up, it was worth the wait! So adorable and smart. I can't wait to see him this weekend and kiss his chubby cheeks.
He is getting to be such a big boy. I can't wait to find out what you are having. My guess is another boy!
weston is so cute! I been trying to teach Jackson sign language, but he just doesn't seem to have the attention for it. thanks for thinking of us and grandpa dave. we will find out the results of all the tests on the 23rd of this month, so i will keep you posted :) do you have a feeling of what you are having?
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