We had such a great weekend. Our anniversary was Saturday and it was the best day ever. We went to the temple and stayed to do sealings afterwards. It was so nice to hear the same words that were said as we knelt across the altar five years ago. Then we went to lunch together and had such a great time. We also saw Seven Pounds which is the best movie! Take kleenexes though! After that we came home and exchanged gifts which was great. We made gifts for each other this year since we are not exactly rolling in the dough. Mark made five hearts out of steel at work - one for each year we've been married. They are so sweet. I traced Mark's priesthood lineage and he really loved it. I also had my super talented brother-in-law record just the piano part of the song "Feels Like Home" (on How To Lose a Guy in Ten Days) and I sang it for Mark because he's always asking me to sing for him and I hate it because I don't think I sing very good. But I did it and he loved it. We didn't really do anything miraculously special but it was so wonderful to spend the whole entire day with my husband. He is great company!
Weston was pretty good this weekend but he's been going on a nap strike ever since he realized he could get out of bed on his own. He is perfect at night and doesn't get up once.

But his naps are really stressing me out! Then he's tired all day and just whines. I'm not quite sure what to do so if anyone has some suggestions I'd appreciate it! But anyway, we put this sweater on him one day last week because it wasn't very cold and we weren't going far. Well the next morning he brought it to me and wouldn't leave until I put it on him. His daddy took it off later in the day but he found it and brought it back to me until I put it on him again! It was pretty cute. What's sad is that we got this sweater for Ty (or Trev...can't remember exactly) and now it fits Fussy, even if it is a little big. And it wouldn't fit on Ty's big toe! He's a beast. Anyway, it's cute and I'm glad my little guy already has Marine Corps pride. =)
Jen, What a great anniversary! I am glad you had a good weekend:) Your little boy is so cute, that sweater is awesome. Can't wait for thursday, you are coming, right? :)
Sounds like you guys had so much fun!!! Homemade gifts are the best!!! Goodluck with the naps. When Tyrell used to get out of bed, I would lay right outside of his door or by his bed. So that everytime I would hear him get up, I would poke my head in the door and tell him to lay back down and go to sleep. It took a while, but it worked. Goodluck!!!
Oh what a wonderful way to spend your anniversary!
Awww! Weston is such a super cutie in that sweatshirt! And congrats on 5 years! wow! it sounds like you guys really had a great weekend, yay!
I am so glad that you had such a wonderful aniversary. You are so sweet and cute. Sorry about Weston's naps. That is so hard, you need the break during the day.
sounds likde you had a fun anniversary. and weston does look cute in that little sweater! can't wait for this thursday!!
I would say "sounds like a fun anniversary" but I think everyone covered that! That's awesome that Wes wore that sweatshirt, and that he likes it! Mark got it for Ty sadly, good think the fashion of it is a classic! Love you!
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