Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Third Trimester!

Well I am officially in the third trimester now. Actually, we are down to just 11 short weeks because I will be induced at 39. If I start dilating early they will even take her before 39 weeks! So we will see what happens. As my friend Jackie put it, you can see that I've "blown up". Ha! My camera has been fuzzy lately so sorry for the out of focus picture. It makes me look better though. =)
It's hard to imagine that I have three more months of growing. The last two days my skin has felt so tight I feel like it's going to snap! But other then that things are going great. I'm so grateful that I'm just barely starting to feel a little weighed down. I was so much more uncomfortable with Weston. We are all anxious to see this sweet little girl and I'm hoping I will look more like her mommy then her aunt like I do with Weston! 


Brett and Cherice said...

Um HELLO!! Jen you look so good, you are seriously the cutest pregnant person ever:) I can't wait to see your little girl as well, it is coming so quick!!

Taunya Spaulding said...

you look so cute! i'm getting way excited for girls night! we'll see you then! oh-i need an address to your house! :)

The Ericksons said...

Jenn - you look absolutely beautiful! And I love the pictures of you guys at the park - so cute!

Kimber Bowen said...

I am so jealous. You look amazing when your pregnant. You look beautiful. I love the picture of Weston in his grandpa's boots, that is too cute.

Heidi said...

Only 3 more months, LUCKY! lol! You look great Jen, I hope your little girl looks just like you too cause then she'll be beautiful :)

Peterson Family said...

You look so good! Just as skinny as ever with a little prego belly! Good luck as the end comes a tad bit closer!

Miriam said...

Jen! How are you, its been a while!! :) You look soo cute! I can't believe this is you #2! That's impressive! I'm glad your getting a little girlie, they are the best! It was fun to get to see your cute fun.

Tasha and Danny Lopez said...

holy moly, its coming so fast... i bet you are super excited. seriously though, me and danny will come visit when that little girly comes... that way i can hold her =)

Jillyn said...

Jen, I'm so excited for you! I can't wait to see little Saydi Jo. Love the name by the way. We're coming up the middle of May. We absolutely HAVE to get together. I love you. Isn't being a mom the best thing in the whole world???? I love it! :)

Blatter said...

YOU LOOK SO GREAT!!! I can't believe you are already in your third trimester! I can't wait to see picture of this baby!! By the way, the cowboy boot picture is ADORABLE!