Friday, October 31, 2008

Carving Pumpkins and Cupcakes

(and happy birthday Dad!)

We carved a pumpkin yesterday and had lots of fun. Weston didn't like the goop though and started crying after we put his hand in. You can see it in this picture.

He kept trying to figure out how to get the goop off his hands.

Mark made me do the face because he knew he wouldn't do it "good enough" for me. =) I was concentrating pretty hard but still ended up giving our guy a loose tooth!

The finished product!

I made eyeball cupcakes this morning for all the nieces and nephews. Hopefully they'll like them. I love the end of the year with all the fun holidays!


Taunya Spaulding said...

That's a really cute idea for cupcakes! I think I'll steal the idea and make some for my neices and nephews when they come trick or treating tonight!! HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! BOO!!!

alisekelley said...

I love the cupcakes! Looks like you guys had fun!

Andersons said...


We really had fun w/ everyone last night and the cupcakes were a hit You should post a picture of Weston in his costume because it was sooooo cute. That's assuming one of us got a good picture w/ all the squirming! :-) Love, Mom

Kimber Bowen said...

I love the cupcakes, how fun. The pumpkin was so cute too. I bet Weston had a great time with that!!!

Brett and Cherice said...

The pumkin pictures are so cute! Your cupcakes look awesome. Ok I have a question, I made a blog, but have no idea how to have people look at it?? I know I am special. The url is

Brett and Cherice said...

Yes for thursday! I am so excited! Thanks for the help. I will see you thursday!

Brett and Cherice said...

Yes! for thursday. I am so excited. Thanks for your help, I will see you thursday!